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React Buttons:

Circular Download Button with Size Changing Effect using React

To download a file from your website, you can use animation to make the user feel the download process better and more attractive to the user of your website. As you can see in this code, a circular button is located in the middle of the page. There is also a download icon button. The button itself is white and its background is normally blue, and by clicking on the button, first the button icon turns into a counter that goes up to 100, and finally the background turns green and the button icon changes to a success sign.


Animating Download Button


Circular Download Button Code


Javascript Animating Button


Dynamic Size Button Example

<!-- This script got from -->
<div id="page"></div><a style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none" target="_blank" href="">Free Frontend</a>
@import url(,100,100italic,300,300italic,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic,900,900italic&subset=latin,greek);
@import url(,100,100italic,300,300italic,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic);
body {
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body {
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} {
  background-color: #ff5722;
#page .material_button {
  position: relative;
  cursor: pointer;
  width: 64px;
  height: 64px;
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#page .material_button:before {
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  height: 100%;
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  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 11px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18), 0 4px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
  box-shadow: 0 5px 11px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18), 0 4px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
  opacity: 0;
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  -o-transition: opacity 0.25s ease-out;
  -webkit-transition: opacity 0.25s ease-out;
  transition: opacity 0.25s ease-out;
#page .material_button:hover:before {
  opacity: 1;
#page .material_button i {
  position: relative;
  height: 64px;
  width: 64px;
  line-height: 64px;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 99;
#page .material_button i.done {
  opacity: 0;
  visibility: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
#page .material_button svg {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  -moz-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
  -ms-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
  -webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
  transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
  z-index: 0;
  overflow: visible;
#page .material_button svg circle {
  fill: #fff;
#page .material_button svg circle#green_ripple {
  fill: #8bc34a;
#page .material_button .progress {
  font-family: 'Roboto Mono', sans-serif;
  opacity: 0;
  visibility: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  z-index: 9;
footer {
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  font-size: 14px;
footer a {
  color: #1e59af;
function wndsize() {
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      w = document.body.clientWidth;
      h = document.body.clientHeight;
  } else {
    w = window.innerWidth;
    h = window.innerHeight;
  return {
    width: w,
    height: h };
// map function = function (in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max) {
  return (this - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
var doc = document,
page = doc.getElementById('page'),
timeAnim = 1.25;
var Ripple = React.createClass({ displayName: "Ripple",
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      x: "",
      y: "",
      w: wndsize().width,
      h: wndsize().height };
  rippleAnim: function (event) {
    var dom = this.refs.ripple.getDOMNode(),
    greenDom = this.refs.greenripple.getDOMNode(),
    tl = new TimelineMax(),
    offsetX = Math.abs(this.state.w / 2 - event.pageX),
    offsetY = Math.abs(this.state.h / 2 - event.pageY),
    deltaX = this.state.w / 2 + offsetX,
    deltaY = this.state.h / 2 + offsetY,
    scale_ratio = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));
    TweenMax.set([dom, greenDom], { transformOrigin: "center center" });
    to(dom, timeAnim, {
      attr: {
        r: scale_ratio },
      ease: Power3.easeOut,
      onComplete: function () {
        classie.add(page, "orange");
      } }).
    to(dom, 2 * timeAnim, {
      attr: {
        r: 32 },
      delay: timeAnim / 3,
      ease: Power0.easeNone }).
    to(greenDom, timeAnim / 2, {
      attr: {
        r: scale_ratio },
      delay: timeAnim / 3,
      ease: Power3.easeOut });
  componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) {
    if (nextProps.activity === "play") {
      switch (nextProps.point) {
        case "one":
            x: nextProps.event.pageX,
            y: nextProps.event.pageY });
        case "two":
          var dom = this.refs.ripple.getDOMNode(),
          greenDom = this.refs.greenripple.getDOMNode(),
          tl = new TimelineMax(),
          offsetX = Math.abs(this.state.w / 2 - this.state.x),
          offsetY = Math.abs(this.state.h / 2 - this.state.y),
          deltaX = this.state.w / 2 + offsetX,
          deltaY = this.state.h / 2 + offsetY,
          scale_ratio = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));
          to(dom, timeAnim, {
            attr: {
              r: scale_ratio },
            onComplete: function () {
              classie.remove(page, "orange");
              TweenMax.set(greenDom, {
                attr: {
                  r: 32 } });
            ease: Power3.easeOut }).
          to(dom, timeAnim / 2, {
            attr: {
              r: 32 },
            ease: Power3.easeOut });
  render: function () {
    return /*#__PURE__*/(
      React.createElement("svg", { height: "1", width: "1" }, /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("circle", { ref: "greenripple", id: "green_ripple", cx: "0", cy: "0", r: "32" }), /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("circle", { ref: "ripple", id: "white_ripple", cx: "0", cy: "0", r: "32" })));
  } });
var Button = React.createClass({ displayName: "Button",
  handleClick: function (e) {
    var self = this;
    if (this.state.action === "paused") {
        action: "play",
        point: "one",
        progress: 0,
        event: e.nativeEvent });
      var arrow = this.refs.arrow_icon.getDOMNode(),
      done = this.refs.done_icon.getDOMNode(),
      progress = this.refs.progress.getDOMNode(),
      tl = new TimelineMax();
      tl.fromTo(arrow, timeAnim, {
        yPercent: 0,
        autoAlpha: 1,
        scale: 1 },
        yPercent: 20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        ease: Power3.easeOut }).
      fromTo(progress, 2 * timeAnim / 3, {
        yPercent: -20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        scale: 0.6 },
        yPercent: 0,
        autoAlpha: 1,
        scale: 1,
        ease: Power3.easeOut },
      "-=" + timeAnim / 3).
      to(self.state, 2 * timeAnim, {
        progress: 100,
        ease: Power0.easeNone,
        onUpdate: function (tween) {
            progress: parseInt(,
            action: "paused" });
        onUpdateParams: ["{self}"] }).
      to(progress, timeAnim / 4, {
        yPercent: 20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        scale: 0.6,
        delay: timeAnim / 3,
        ease: Power3.easeOut }).
      fromTo(done, timeAnim / 4, {
        yPercent: -20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        scale: 0.6 },
        yPercent: 0,
        autoAlpha: 1,
        scale: 1,
        ease: Power3.easeOut }).
      to(done, 2 * timeAnim / 3, {
        yPercent: 20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        scale: 0.6,
        delay: timeAnim / 3,
        onStart: function () {
            action: "play",
            point: "two",
            progress: 0,
            event: "" });
        ease: Power3.easeOut }).
      fromTo(arrow, 2 * timeAnim / 3, {
        yPercent: -20,
        scale: 0.6,
        autoAlpha: 0 },
        yPercent: 0,
        scale: 1,
        autoAlpha: 1,
        delay: timeAnim / 2,
        ease: Power3.easeOut,
        onComplete: function () {
            action: "paused",
            point: "one",
            progress: 0,
            event: "" });
        } });
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      action: "paused",
      point: "",
      progress: 0,
      event: "" };
  render: function () {
    return /*#__PURE__*/(
      React.createElement("div", { className: "material_button", onClick: this.handleClick }, /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("i", { ref: "done_icon", className: "material-icons done" }, "done"), /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("div", { ref: "progress", className: "progress" }, this.state.progress), /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("i", { ref: "arrow_icon", className: "material-icons" }, "arrow_downward"), /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement(Ripple, { activity: this.state.action, event: this.state.event, point: this.state.point })));
  } });
React.render( /*#__PURE__*/
React.createElement(Button, null),
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- This script got from -->

<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
@import url(,100,100italic,300,300italic,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic,900,900italic&subset=latin,greek);
@import url(,100,100italic,300,300italic,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic);
body {
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body {
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#page .material_button {
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#page .material_button:before {
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  opacity: 0;
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  -o-transition: opacity 0.25s ease-out;
  -webkit-transition: opacity 0.25s ease-out;
  transition: opacity 0.25s ease-out;
#page .material_button:hover:before {
  opacity: 1;
#page .material_button i {
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  height: 64px;
  width: 64px;
  line-height: 64px;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 99;
#page .material_button i.done {
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  visibility: hidden;
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  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
#page .material_button svg {
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  -ms-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
  -webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
  transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
  z-index: 0;
  overflow: visible;
#page .material_button svg circle {
  fill: #fff;
#page .material_button svg circle#green_ripple {
  fill: #8bc34a;
#page .material_button .progress {
  font-family: 'Roboto Mono', sans-serif;
  opacity: 0;
  visibility: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  z-index: 9;
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footer a {
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<div id="page"></div><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Free Frontend</a></div>
function wndsize() {
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// map function = function (in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max) {
  return (this - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
var doc = document,
page = doc.getElementById('page'),
timeAnim = 1.25;
var Ripple = React.createClass({ displayName: "Ripple",
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      x: "",
      y: "",
      w: wndsize().width,
      h: wndsize().height };
  rippleAnim: function (event) {
    var dom = this.refs.ripple.getDOMNode(),
    greenDom = this.refs.greenripple.getDOMNode(),
    tl = new TimelineMax(),
    offsetX = Math.abs(this.state.w / 2 - event.pageX),
    offsetY = Math.abs(this.state.h / 2 - event.pageY),
    deltaX = this.state.w / 2 + offsetX,
    deltaY = this.state.h / 2 + offsetY,
    scale_ratio = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));
    TweenMax.set([dom, greenDom], { transformOrigin: "center center" });
    to(dom, timeAnim, {
      attr: {
        r: scale_ratio },
      ease: Power3.easeOut,
      onComplete: function () {
        classie.add(page, "orange");
      } }).
    to(dom, 2 * timeAnim, {
      attr: {
        r: 32 },
      delay: timeAnim / 3,
      ease: Power0.easeNone }).
    to(greenDom, timeAnim / 2, {
      attr: {
        r: scale_ratio },
      delay: timeAnim / 3,
      ease: Power3.easeOut });
  componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) {
    if (nextProps.activity === "play") {
      switch (nextProps.point) {
        case "one":
            x: nextProps.event.pageX,
            y: nextProps.event.pageY });
        case "two":
          var dom = this.refs.ripple.getDOMNode(),
          greenDom = this.refs.greenripple.getDOMNode(),
          tl = new TimelineMax(),
          offsetX = Math.abs(this.state.w / 2 - this.state.x),
          offsetY = Math.abs(this.state.h / 2 - this.state.y),
          deltaX = this.state.w / 2 + offsetX,
          deltaY = this.state.h / 2 + offsetY,
          scale_ratio = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));
          to(dom, timeAnim, {
            attr: {
              r: scale_ratio },
            onComplete: function () {
              classie.remove(page, "orange");
              TweenMax.set(greenDom, {
                attr: {
                  r: 32 } });
            ease: Power3.easeOut }).
          to(dom, timeAnim / 2, {
            attr: {
              r: 32 },
            ease: Power3.easeOut });
  render: function () {
    return /*#__PURE__*/(
      React.createElement("svg", { height: "1", width: "1" }, /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("circle", { ref: "greenripple", id: "green_ripple", cx: "0", cy: "0", r: "32" }), /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("circle", { ref: "ripple", id: "white_ripple", cx: "0", cy: "0", r: "32" })));
  } });
var Button = React.createClass({ displayName: "Button",
  handleClick: function (e) {
    var self = this;
    if (this.state.action === "paused") {
        action: "play",
        point: "one",
        progress: 0,
        event: e.nativeEvent });
      var arrow = this.refs.arrow_icon.getDOMNode(),
      done = this.refs.done_icon.getDOMNode(),
      progress = this.refs.progress.getDOMNode(),
      tl = new TimelineMax();
      tl.fromTo(arrow, timeAnim, {
        yPercent: 0,
        autoAlpha: 1,
        scale: 1 },
        yPercent: 20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        ease: Power3.easeOut }).
      fromTo(progress, 2 * timeAnim / 3, {
        yPercent: -20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        scale: 0.6 },
        yPercent: 0,
        autoAlpha: 1,
        scale: 1,
        ease: Power3.easeOut },
      "-=" + timeAnim / 3).
      to(self.state, 2 * timeAnim, {
        progress: 100,
        ease: Power0.easeNone,
        onUpdate: function (tween) {
            progress: parseInt(,
            action: "paused" });
        onUpdateParams: ["{self}"] }).
      to(progress, timeAnim / 4, {
        yPercent: 20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        scale: 0.6,
        delay: timeAnim / 3,
        ease: Power3.easeOut }).
      fromTo(done, timeAnim / 4, {
        yPercent: -20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        scale: 0.6 },
        yPercent: 0,
        autoAlpha: 1,
        scale: 1,
        ease: Power3.easeOut }).
      to(done, 2 * timeAnim / 3, {
        yPercent: 20,
        autoAlpha: 0,
        scale: 0.6,
        delay: timeAnim / 3,
        onStart: function () {
            action: "play",
            point: "two",
            progress: 0,
            event: "" });
        ease: Power3.easeOut }).
      fromTo(arrow, 2 * timeAnim / 3, {
        yPercent: -20,
        scale: 0.6,
        autoAlpha: 0 },
        yPercent: 0,
        scale: 1,
        autoAlpha: 1,
        delay: timeAnim / 2,
        ease: Power3.easeOut,
        onComplete: function () {
            action: "paused",
            point: "one",
            progress: 0,
            event: "" });
        } });
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      action: "paused",
      point: "",
      progress: 0,
      event: "" };
  render: function () {
    return /*#__PURE__*/(
      React.createElement("div", { className: "material_button", onClick: this.handleClick }, /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("i", { ref: "done_icon", className: "material-icons done" }, "done"), /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("div", { ref: "progress", className: "progress" }, this.state.progress), /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement("i", { ref: "arrow_icon", className: "material-icons" }, "arrow_downward"), /*#__PURE__*/
      React.createElement(Ripple, { activity: this.state.action, event: this.state.event, point: this.state.point })));
  } });
React.render( /*#__PURE__*/
React.createElement(Button, null),

<script>'undefined'=== typeof _trfq || (window._trfq = []);'undefined'=== typeof _trfd && (window._trfd=[]),_trfd.push({'tccl.baseHost':''},{'ap':'cpbh-mt'},{'server':'p3plmcpnl484880'},{'dcenter':'p3'},{'cp_id':'765442'},{'cp_cl':'8'}) // Monitoring performance to make your website faster. If you want to opt-out, please contact web hosting support.</script><script src=''></script></html>