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Bootstrap Toggle Switches:

Windows Menu in Bootstrap

If you are looking for a functional Bootstrap Bluetooth Switch, look at this post carefully and use the following code. This post has a great performance and anyone can use it on his/ her website. You can see the Windows Menu in Bootstrap in this post with an incredible function. By using this Windows Bootstrap Form, you can change the appearance of your website. This causes many people to attract your website and interest older audiences.

We have prepared the preview of the Toggle Switch using Bootstrap below and you can look at and use it. As you see here, this code has a dark theme with pink color. This form shows the Bluetooth and devices. You can see the Bluetooth icon in the middle of the page. To turn on the Bluetooth, you should choose its specific button on the right side. When the Bluetooth is off, its button is white and you can see the term “Off”. If you click on this option, the Bluetooth will be on from left to right. Then its color changes to pink and the term “On” turns to white. A part of this button is white. You can download and use this Windows Bootstrap Menu from the link below.


Bootstrap Bluetooth Switch


Toggle Switch using Bootstrap


Windows Bootstrap Form


Windows Bootstrap Menu

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