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Bootstrap Tabs:

Simple Selection Tabs with Color Effect in Bootstrap

Simplicity is one of the most crucial elements in any design and if you have a website, you have to try to find a tab with a functional performance by using the simplest element. Most of the time, pure things will attract more people. So, we have prepared Simple Selection Tabs with Color Effect in Bootstrap in this post for you to use on your website. As you can see in the preview on these Tabs with Bootstrap, it has a simple and pure design that has no complexity.

As you can see, these Simple CSS Tabs have a white background and the writings are black. As soon as you click on and select a section, you can see an arrow on the left side of the section and a line will appear under that. These elements are blue and the writing section will also change to the same color. This Beautiful Selection Tab Color has a huge impact on attracting new visitors and interesting the old ones. There is the detailed part under the sections that are totally simple with no effect. You can use this Bootstrap Selection Effect on your website and make it different from other websites.



Tabs with Bootstrap


Beautiful Selection Tab Color


Simple CSS Tabs


Bootstrap Selection Effect

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                        <h3>Section 1</h3>
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                            rutrum velit. Phasellus porta enim at facilisis condimentum. Maecenas pharetra dolor vel elit tempor pellentesque sed sed eros. Aenean vitae mauris tincidunt, imperdiet orci semper, rhoncus ligula. Vivamus
                    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="Section2">
                        <h3>Section 2</h3>
                            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec urna aliquam, ornare eros vel, malesuada lorem. Nullam faucibus lorem at eros consectetur lobortis. Maecenas nec nibh congue, placerat sem id,
                            rutrum velit. Phasellus porta enim at facilisis condimentum. Maecenas pharetra dolor vel elit tempor pellentesque sed sed eros. Aenean vitae mauris tincidunt, imperdiet orci semper, rhoncus ligula. Vivamus
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                        <h3>Section 3</h3>
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                            rutrum velit. Phasellus porta enim at facilisis condimentum. Maecenas pharetra dolor vel elit tempor pellentesque sed sed eros. Aenean vitae mauris tincidunt, imperdiet orci semper, rhoncus ligula. Vivamus
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body {
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a:focus {
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@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
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                        <h3>Section 1</h3>
                            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec urna aliquam, ornare eros vel, malesuada lorem. Nullam faucibus lorem at eros consectetur lobortis. Maecenas nec nibh congue, placerat sem id,
                            rutrum velit. Phasellus porta enim at facilisis condimentum. Maecenas pharetra dolor vel elit tempor pellentesque sed sed eros. Aenean vitae mauris tincidunt, imperdiet orci semper, rhoncus ligula. Vivamus
                    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="Section2">
                        <h3>Section 2</h3>
                            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec urna aliquam, ornare eros vel, malesuada lorem. Nullam faucibus lorem at eros consectetur lobortis. Maecenas nec nibh congue, placerat sem id,
                            rutrum velit. Phasellus porta enim at facilisis condimentum. Maecenas pharetra dolor vel elit tempor pellentesque sed sed eros. Aenean vitae mauris tincidunt, imperdiet orci semper, rhoncus ligula. Vivamus
                    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="Section3">
                        <h3>Section 3</h3>
                            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec urna aliquam, ornare eros vel, malesuada lorem. Nullam faucibus lorem at eros consectetur lobortis. Maecenas nec nibh congue, placerat sem id,
                            rutrum velit. Phasellus porta enim at facilisis condimentum. Maecenas pharetra dolor vel elit tempor pellentesque sed sed eros. Aenean vitae mauris tincidunt, imperdiet orci semper, rhoncus ligula. Vivamus
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