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Bootstrap Cards:

Our Team Group with Bootstrap Cards

Do you have a team on your website that provides the content each day? Most important websites have a successful team that helps to improve every day. Our Team Group with Bootstrap Cards allow you to introduce your team to other customers and users of the website. By using this amazing Bootstrap Team Card Code, you can introduce people who help you to be successful. If you apply for this Simple Pure CSS Card on your page, you can represent all members of your team with their specific photos to make them more familiar.

As you see in the following preview below, this code has a beautiful design with a blue and pink theme. This Pink and Blue Card has a gray background with black text. At the top of the page, the title has an attractive font with blue color. At the bottom of each photo, you can see a beautiful design, and the text related to that picture is written down below. Then, that person’s name and his job are shown with a pink or blue line. This Bootstrap Card with Image has some icons with quotes in the same color as the lines.


BootstrapTeam Card Code


Bootstrap Card with Image


Simple Pure CSS Card


Pink and Blue Card

<!-- This script got from -->
<div class="container py-5">
    <div class="row text-center">
        <div class="col-lg-12">
                Meet our team
            <p class="lead font-weight-normal mt-4" style="color: #111827;margin-bottom: 3.5em;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean fermentum risus id tortor. Donec ipsum massa, ullamcorper in, auctor et, scelerisque sed, est. Etiam sapien elit, consequat eget, tristique non, venenatis quis, ante?</p>
    <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-3 g-4">
        <div class="col">
            <div class="card card-pink h-100 overflow-hidden shadow bg-white border-0 px-0">
                <div class="card-shape">
                    <img src="" class="card-img-top" alt="Jane">
                    <div class="custom-shape-divider-bottom-1634717805">
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                            <path d="M0,0V46.29c47.79,22.2,103.59,32.17,158,28,70.36-5.37,136.33-33.31,206.8-37.5C438.64,32.43,512.34,53.67,583,72.05c69.27,18,138.3,24.88,209.4,13.08,36.15-6,69.85-17.84,104.45-29.34C989.49,25,1113-14.29,1200,52.47V0Z" opacity=".25" class="shape-fill"></path>
                            <path d="M0,0V15.81C13,36.92,27.64,56.86,47.69,72.05,99.41,111.27,165,111,224.58,91.58c31.15-10.15,60.09-26.07,89.67-39.8,40.92-19,84.73-46,130.83-49.67,36.26-2.85,70.9,9.42,98.6,31.56,31.77,25.39,62.32,62,103.63,73,40.44,10.79,81.35-6.69,119.13-24.28s75.16-39,116.92-43.05c59.73-5.85,113.28,22.88,168.9,38.84,30.2,8.66,59,6.17,87.09-7.5,22.43-10.89,48-26.93,60.65-49.24V0Z" opacity=".5" class="shape-fill"></path>
                            <path d="M0,0V5.63C149.93,59,314.09,71.32,475.83,42.57c43-7.64,84.23-20.12,127.61-26.46,59-8.63,112.48,12.24,165.56,35.4C827.93,77.22,886,95.24,951.2,90c86.53-7,172.46-45.71,248.8-84.81V0Z" class="shape-fill"></path>
                <div class="card-body">
                        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 475.082 475.081" x="0px" y="0px" width="25px" height="25px" xmlns:xml="" xml:space="preserve" version="1.1">
                        <path d="M 164.45 219.27 h -63.954 c -7.614 0 -14.087 -2.664 -19.417 -7.994 c -5.327 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.416 -51.678 c 14.276 -14.272 31.503 -21.411 51.678 -21.411 h 18.271 c 4.948 0 9.229 -1.809 12.847 -5.424 c 3.616 -3.617 5.424 -7.898 5.424 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.809 -9.233 -5.424 -12.85 c -3.617 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.847 -5.424 h -18.271 c -19.797 0 -38.684 3.858 -56.673 11.563 c -17.987 7.71 -33.545 18.132 -46.68 31.267 c -13.134 13.129 -23.553 28.688 -31.262 46.677 C 3.855 144.039 0 162.931 0 182.726 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.327 28.171 15.986 38.834 c 10.66 10.657 23.606 15.985 38.832 15.985 h 109.639 c 15.225 0 28.167 -5.328 38.828 -15.985 c 10.657 -10.663 15.987 -23.599 15.987 -38.834 V 274.088 c 0 -15.232 -5.33 -28.168 -15.994 -38.832 C 192.622 224.6 179.675 219.27 164.45 219.27 Z" />
                        <path d="M 459.103 235.256 c -10.656 -10.656 -23.599 -15.986 -38.828 -15.986 h -63.953 c -7.61 0 -14.089 -2.664 -19.41 -7.994 c -5.332 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.409 -51.678 c 14.271 -14.272 31.497 -21.411 51.682 -21.411 h 18.267 c 4.949 0 9.233 -1.809 12.848 -5.424 c 3.613 -3.617 5.428 -7.898 5.428 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.814 -9.233 -5.428 -12.85 c -3.614 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.848 -5.424 h -18.267 c -19.808 0 -38.691 3.858 -56.685 11.563 c -17.984 7.71 -33.537 18.132 -46.672 31.267 c -13.135 13.129 -23.559 28.688 -31.265 46.677 c -7.707 17.987 -11.567 36.879 -11.567 56.674 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.332 28.171 15.988 38.834 c 10.657 10.657 23.6 15.985 38.828 15.985 h 109.633 c 15.229 0 28.171 -5.328 38.827 -15.985 c 10.664 -10.663 15.985 -23.599 15.985 -38.834 V 274.088 C 475.082 258.855 469.76 245.92 459.103 235.256 Z" />
                        <p class="font-italic mt-2 mb-6">
                            This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.
                <div class="card-footer">
                    <p class="mb-0 font-weight-bolder" style="color:#ff2c95">Jane</p>
                    <small class="text-muted">Head of Project Management</small>
        <div class="col">
            <div class="card card-blue h-100 overflow-hidden shadow bg-white border-0 px-0">
                <div class="card-shape">
                    <img src="" class="card-img-top" alt="Thomas">
                    <div class="custom-shape-divider-bottom-1634717805">
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                            <path d="M0,0V46.29c47.79,22.2,103.59,32.17,158,28,70.36-5.37,136.33-33.31,206.8-37.5C438.64,32.43,512.34,53.67,583,72.05c69.27,18,138.3,24.88,209.4,13.08,36.15-6,69.85-17.84,104.45-29.34C989.49,25,1113-14.29,1200,52.47V0Z" opacity=".25" class="shape-fill"></path>
                            <path d="M0,0V15.81C13,36.92,27.64,56.86,47.69,72.05,99.41,111.27,165,111,224.58,91.58c31.15-10.15,60.09-26.07,89.67-39.8,40.92-19,84.73-46,130.83-49.67,36.26-2.85,70.9,9.42,98.6,31.56,31.77,25.39,62.32,62,103.63,73,40.44,10.79,81.35-6.69,119.13-24.28s75.16-39,116.92-43.05c59.73-5.85,113.28,22.88,168.9,38.84,30.2,8.66,59,6.17,87.09-7.5,22.43-10.89,48-26.93,60.65-49.24V0Z" opacity=".5" class="shape-fill"></path>
                            <path d="M0,0V5.63C149.93,59,314.09,71.32,475.83,42.57c43-7.64,84.23-20.12,127.61-26.46,59-8.63,112.48,12.24,165.56,35.4C827.93,77.22,886,95.24,951.2,90c86.53-7,172.46-45.71,248.8-84.81V0Z" class="shape-fill"></path>
                <div class="card-body">
                        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 475.082 475.081" x="0px" y="0px" width="25px" height="25px" xmlns:xml="" xml:space="preserve" version="1.1">
                        <path d="M 164.45 219.27 h -63.954 c -7.614 0 -14.087 -2.664 -19.417 -7.994 c -5.327 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.416 -51.678 c 14.276 -14.272 31.503 -21.411 51.678 -21.411 h 18.271 c 4.948 0 9.229 -1.809 12.847 -5.424 c 3.616 -3.617 5.424 -7.898 5.424 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.809 -9.233 -5.424 -12.85 c -3.617 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.847 -5.424 h -18.271 c -19.797 0 -38.684 3.858 -56.673 11.563 c -17.987 7.71 -33.545 18.132 -46.68 31.267 c -13.134 13.129 -23.553 28.688 -31.262 46.677 C 3.855 144.039 0 162.931 0 182.726 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.327 28.171 15.986 38.834 c 10.66 10.657 23.606 15.985 38.832 15.985 h 109.639 c 15.225 0 28.167 -5.328 38.828 -15.985 c 10.657 -10.663 15.987 -23.599 15.987 -38.834 V 274.088 c 0 -15.232 -5.33 -28.168 -15.994 -38.832 C 192.622 224.6 179.675 219.27 164.45 219.27 Z" />
                        <path d="M 459.103 235.256 c -10.656 -10.656 -23.599 -15.986 -38.828 -15.986 h -63.953 c -7.61 0 -14.089 -2.664 -19.41 -7.994 c -5.332 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.409 -51.678 c 14.271 -14.272 31.497 -21.411 51.682 -21.411 h 18.267 c 4.949 0 9.233 -1.809 12.848 -5.424 c 3.613 -3.617 5.428 -7.898 5.428 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.814 -9.233 -5.428 -12.85 c -3.614 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.848 -5.424 h -18.267 c -19.808 0 -38.691 3.858 -56.685 11.563 c -17.984 7.71 -33.537 18.132 -46.672 31.267 c -13.135 13.129 -23.559 28.688 -31.265 46.677 c -7.707 17.987 -11.567 36.879 -11.567 56.674 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.332 28.171 15.988 38.834 c 10.657 10.657 23.6 15.985 38.828 15.985 h 109.633 c 15.229 0 28.171 -5.328 38.827 -15.985 c 10.664 -10.663 15.985 -23.599 15.985 -38.834 V 274.088 C 475.082 258.855 469.76 245.92 459.103 235.256 Z" />
                        <p class="font-italic mt-2 mb-6">
                            This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
                <div class="card-footer">
                    <p class="mb-0 font-weight-bolder">Thomas</p>
                    <small class="text-muted">
                        Software Architect
        <div class="col">
            <div class="card card-pink h-100 overflow-hidden shadow bg-white border-0 px-0">
                <div class="card-shape">
                    <img src="" class="card-img-top" alt="Jasmine">
                    <div class="custom-shape-divider-bottom-1634717805">
                        <svg data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1200 120" preserveAspectRatio="none">
                            <path d="M0,0V46.29c47.79,22.2,103.59,32.17,158,28,70.36-5.37,136.33-33.31,206.8-37.5C438.64,32.43,512.34,53.67,583,72.05c69.27,18,138.3,24.88,209.4,13.08,36.15-6,69.85-17.84,104.45-29.34C989.49,25,1113-14.29,1200,52.47V0Z" opacity=".25" class="shape-fill"></path>
                            <path d="M0,0V15.81C13,36.92,27.64,56.86,47.69,72.05,99.41,111.27,165,111,224.58,91.58c31.15-10.15,60.09-26.07,89.67-39.8,40.92-19,84.73-46,130.83-49.67,36.26-2.85,70.9,9.42,98.6,31.56,31.77,25.39,62.32,62,103.63,73,40.44,10.79,81.35-6.69,119.13-24.28s75.16-39,116.92-43.05c59.73-5.85,113.28,22.88,168.9,38.84,30.2,8.66,59,6.17,87.09-7.5,22.43-10.89,48-26.93,60.65-49.24V0Z" opacity=".5" class="shape-fill"></path>
                            <path d="M0,0V5.63C149.93,59,314.09,71.32,475.83,42.57c43-7.64,84.23-20.12,127.61-26.46,59-8.63,112.48,12.24,165.56,35.4C827.93,77.22,886,95.24,951.2,90c86.53-7,172.46-45.71,248.8-84.81V0Z" class="shape-fill"></path>
                <div class="card-body">
                        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 475.082 475.081" x="0px" y="0px" width="25px" height="25px" xmlns:xml="" xml:space="preserve" version="1.1">
                        <path d="M 164.45 219.27 h -63.954 c -7.614 0 -14.087 -2.664 -19.417 -7.994 c -5.327 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.416 -51.678 c 14.276 -14.272 31.503 -21.411 51.678 -21.411 h 18.271 c 4.948 0 9.229 -1.809 12.847 -5.424 c 3.616 -3.617 5.424 -7.898 5.424 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.809 -9.233 -5.424 -12.85 c -3.617 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.847 -5.424 h -18.271 c -19.797 0 -38.684 3.858 -56.673 11.563 c -17.987 7.71 -33.545 18.132 -46.68 31.267 c -13.134 13.129 -23.553 28.688 -31.262 46.677 C 3.855 144.039 0 162.931 0 182.726 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.327 28.171 15.986 38.834 c 10.66 10.657 23.606 15.985 38.832 15.985 h 109.639 c 15.225 0 28.167 -5.328 38.828 -15.985 c 10.657 -10.663 15.987 -23.599 15.987 -38.834 V 274.088 c 0 -15.232 -5.33 -28.168 -15.994 -38.832 C 192.622 224.6 179.675 219.27 164.45 219.27 Z" />
                        <path d="M 459.103 235.256 c -10.656 -10.656 -23.599 -15.986 -38.828 -15.986 h -63.953 c -7.61 0 -14.089 -2.664 -19.41 -7.994 c -5.332 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.409 -51.678 c 14.271 -14.272 31.497 -21.411 51.682 -21.411 h 18.267 c 4.949 0 9.233 -1.809 12.848 -5.424 c 3.613 -3.617 5.428 -7.898 5.428 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.814 -9.233 -5.428 -12.85 c -3.614 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.848 -5.424 h -18.267 c -19.808 0 -38.691 3.858 -56.685 11.563 c -17.984 7.71 -33.537 18.132 -46.672 31.267 c -13.135 13.129 -23.559 28.688 -31.265 46.677 c -7.707 17.987 -11.567 36.879 -11.567 56.674 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.332 28.171 15.988 38.834 c 10.657 10.657 23.6 15.985 38.828 15.985 h 109.633 c 15.229 0 28.171 -5.328 38.827 -15.985 c 10.664 -10.663 15.985 -23.599 15.985 -38.834 V 274.088 C 475.082 258.855 469.76 245.92 459.103 235.256 Z" />
                        <p class="font-italic mt-2 mb-6">
                            This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.
                <div class="card-footer">
                    <p class="mb-0 font-weight-bolder">Jasmine</p>
                    <small class="text-muted">Lead Front-End Designer</small>
    <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-3 g-4 mt-1">
        <div class="col">
            <div class="card card-blue h-100 overflow-hidden shadow bg-white border-0 px-0">
                <div class="card-shape">
                    <img src="" class="card-img-top" alt="Dave">
                    <div class="custom-shape-divider-bottom-1634717805">
                        <svg data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1200 120" preserveAspectRatio="none">
                            <path d="M0,0V46.29c47.79,22.2,103.59,32.17,158,28,70.36-5.37,136.33-33.31,206.8-37.5C438.64,32.43,512.34,53.67,583,72.05c69.27,18,138.3,24.88,209.4,13.08,36.15-6,69.85-17.84,104.45-29.34C989.49,25,1113-14.29,1200,52.47V0Z" opacity=".25" class="shape-fill"></path>
                            <path d="M0,0V15.81C13,36.92,27.64,56.86,47.69,72.05,99.41,111.27,165,111,224.58,91.58c31.15-10.15,60.09-26.07,89.67-39.8,40.92-19,84.73-46,130.83-49.67,36.26-2.85,70.9,9.42,98.6,31.56,31.77,25.39,62.32,62,103.63,73,40.44,10.79,81.35-6.69,119.13-24.28s75.16-39,116.92-43.05c59.73-5.85,113.28,22.88,168.9,38.84,30.2,8.66,59,6.17,87.09-7.5,22.43-10.89,48-26.93,60.65-49.24V0Z" opacity=".5" class="shape-fill"></path>
                            <path d="M0,0V5.63C149.93,59,314.09,71.32,475.83,42.57c43-7.64,84.23-20.12,127.61-26.46,59-8.63,112.48,12.24,165.56,35.4C827.93,77.22,886,95.24,951.2,90c86.53-7,172.46-45.71,248.8-84.81V0Z" class="shape-fill"></path>
                <div class="card-body">
                        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 475.082 475.081" x="0px" y="0px" width="25px" height="25px" xmlns:xml="" xml:space="preserve" version="1.1">
                        <path d="M 164.45 219.27 h -63.954 c -7.614 0 -14.087 -2.664 -19.417 -7.994 c -5.327 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.416 -51.678 c 14.276 -14.272 31.503 -21.411 51.678 -21.411 h 18.271 c 4.948 0 9.229 -1.809 12.847 -5.424 c 3.616 -3.617 5.424 -7.898 5.424 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.809 -9.233 -5.424 -12.85 c -3.617 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.847 -5.424 h -18.271 c -19.797 0 -38.684 3.858 -56.673 11.563 c -17.987 7.71 -33.545 18.132 -46.68 31.267 c -13.134 13.129 -23.553 28.688 -31.262 46.677 C 3.855 144.039 0 162.931 0 182.726 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.327 28.171 15.986 38.834 c 10.66 10.657 23.606 15.985 38.832 15.985 h 109.639 c 15.225 0 28.167 -5.328 38.828 -15.985 c 10.657 -10.663 15.987 -23.599 15.987 -38.834 V 274.088 c 0 -15.232 -5.33 -28.168 -15.994 -38.832 C 192.622 224.6 179.675 219.27 164.45 219.27 Z" />
                        <path d="M 459.103 235.256 c -10.656 -10.656 -23.599 -15.986 -38.828 -15.986 h -63.953 c -7.61 0 -14.089 -2.664 -19.41 -7.994 c -5.332 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.409 -51.678 c 14.271 -14.272 31.497 -21.411 51.682 -21.411 h 18.267 c 4.949 0 9.233 -1.809 12.848 -5.424 c 3.613 -3.617 5.428 -7.898 5.428 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.814 -9.233 -5.428 -12.85 c -3.614 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.848 -5.424 h -18.267 c -19.808 0 -38.691 3.858 -56.685 11.563 c -17.984 7.71 -33.537 18.132 -46.672 31.267 c -13.135 13.129 -23.559 28.688 -31.265 46.677 c -7.707 17.987 -11.567 36.879 -11.567 56.674 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.332 28.171 15.988 38.834 c 10.657 10.657 23.6 15.985 38.828 15.985 h 109.633 c 15.229 0 28.171 -5.328 38.827 -15.985 c 10.664 -10.663 15.985 -23.599 15.985 -38.834 V 274.088 C 475.082 258.855 469.76 245.92 459.103 235.256 Z" />
                        <p class="font-italic mt-2 mb-6">
                            This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.
                <div class="card-footer">
                    <p class="mb-0 font-weight-bolder">Dave</p>
                    <small class="text-muted">Chief Operating Officer, Partner</small>
        <div class="col">
            <div class="card card-pink h-100 overflow-hidden shadow bg-white border-0 px-0">
                <div class="card-shape">
                    <img src="" class="card-img-top" alt="Michele">
                    <div class="custom-shape-divider-bottom-1634717805">
                        <svg data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1200 120" preserveAspectRatio="none">
                            <path d="M0,0V46.29c47.79,22.2,103.59,32.17,158,28,70.36-5.37,136.33-33.31,206.8-37.5C438.64,32.43,512.34,53.67,583,72.05c69.27,18,138.3,24.88,209.4,13.08,36.15-6,69.85-17.84,104.45-29.34C989.49,25,1113-14.29,1200,52.47V0Z" opacity=".25" class="shape-fill"></path>
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                    <p class="mb-0 font-weight-bolder" style="color:#ff2c95">Jane</p>
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                        Software Architect
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                        <p class="font-italic mt-2 mb-6">
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                <div class="card-footer">
                    <p class="mb-0 font-weight-bolder">Jasmine</p>
                    <small class="text-muted">Lead Front-End Designer</small>
    <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-3 g-4 mt-1">
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                        <p class="font-italic mt-2 mb-6">
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                <div class="card-footer">
                    <p class="mb-0 font-weight-bolder">Dave</p>
                    <small class="text-muted">Chief Operating Officer, Partner</small>
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            <div class="card card-pink h-100 overflow-hidden shadow bg-white border-0 px-0">
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                        <p class="font-italic mt-2 mb-6">
                            This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.
                <div class="card-footer">
                    <p class="mb-0 font-weight-bolder">Michele</p>
                    <small class="text-muted">
                        Senior Front-End Designer & Developer
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                            <path d="M0,0V5.63C149.93,59,314.09,71.32,475.83,42.57c43-7.64,84.23-20.12,127.61-26.46,59-8.63,112.48,12.24,165.56,35.4C827.93,77.22,886,95.24,951.2,90c86.53-7,172.46-45.71,248.8-84.81V0Z" class="shape-fill"></path>
                <div class="card-body">
                        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 475.082 475.081" x="0px" y="0px" width="25px" height="25px" xmlns:xml="" xml:space="preserve" version="1.1">
                        <path d="M 164.45 219.27 h -63.954 c -7.614 0 -14.087 -2.664 -19.417 -7.994 c -5.327 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.416 -51.678 c 14.276 -14.272 31.503 -21.411 51.678 -21.411 h 18.271 c 4.948 0 9.229 -1.809 12.847 -5.424 c 3.616 -3.617 5.424 -7.898 5.424 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.809 -9.233 -5.424 -12.85 c -3.617 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.847 -5.424 h -18.271 c -19.797 0 -38.684 3.858 -56.673 11.563 c -17.987 7.71 -33.545 18.132 -46.68 31.267 c -13.134 13.129 -23.553 28.688 -31.262 46.677 C 3.855 144.039 0 162.931 0 182.726 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.327 28.171 15.986 38.834 c 10.66 10.657 23.606 15.985 38.832 15.985 h 109.639 c 15.225 0 28.167 -5.328 38.828 -15.985 c 10.657 -10.663 15.987 -23.599 15.987 -38.834 V 274.088 c 0 -15.232 -5.33 -28.168 -15.994 -38.832 C 192.622 224.6 179.675 219.27 164.45 219.27 Z" />
                        <path d="M 459.103 235.256 c -10.656 -10.656 -23.599 -15.986 -38.828 -15.986 h -63.953 c -7.61 0 -14.089 -2.664 -19.41 -7.994 c -5.332 -5.33 -7.994 -11.801 -7.994 -19.417 v -9.132 c 0 -20.177 7.139 -37.401 21.409 -51.678 c 14.271 -14.272 31.497 -21.411 51.682 -21.411 h 18.267 c 4.949 0 9.233 -1.809 12.848 -5.424 c 3.613 -3.617 5.428 -7.898 5.428 -12.847 V 54.819 c 0 -4.948 -1.814 -9.233 -5.428 -12.85 c -3.614 -3.612 -7.898 -5.424 -12.848 -5.424 h -18.267 c -19.808 0 -38.691 3.858 -56.685 11.563 c -17.984 7.71 -33.537 18.132 -46.672 31.267 c -13.135 13.129 -23.559 28.688 -31.265 46.677 c -7.707 17.987 -11.567 36.879 -11.567 56.674 v 200.991 c 0 15.235 5.332 28.171 15.988 38.834 c 10.657 10.657 23.6 15.985 38.828 15.985 h 109.633 c 15.229 0 28.171 -5.328 38.827 -15.985 c 10.664 -10.663 15.985 -23.599 15.985 -38.834 V 274.088 C 475.082 258.855 469.76 245.92 459.103 235.256 Z" />
                        <p class="font-italic mt-2 mb-6">
                            This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.
                <div class="card-footer">
                    <p class="mb-0 font-weight-bolder">Larry</p>
                    <small class="text-muted">Lead Developer</small>
</div><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Free Frontend</a></div>
