Do you produce material and want to share its information with others? If your answer is yes, look at this post and use it on your website. You can even use it on your company website. This is the Multi-Colored React Stacked Bar with Tooltip with a fantastic design. There is a difference between this Responsive React Stacked Bar and others. In this progress bar, all progress cards are gathered and made a huge bar to show all progressions and improvements. So, this HTML Stacked Bar with Effect is more attractive and functional.
By looking at this preview, you can see the colorful page of this code. Therefore, it is better to use this Colorful Stacked Bar on your white website to make it more attractive. The background of this code is light blue and its title is dark blue with a large font. There is a thick line under the title with two colors each one showing a specific percentage. If you put the cursor of the mouse on these colors, their specific percentage will be displayed. This percentage of the Linear Stacked Bar and Tooltip will be shown in a white field and a small colored square.