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Bootstrap Tabs:

Hybrid of Bootstrap Tabs and The Carousel

Website carousels, also known as sliders, are a really popular and commonly used elements in modern websites. The problem is that only 1% of the people that visit your website actually click on carousels. They are also really bulky and use a lot of bandwidth. They are also quite difficult to make responsive for users from mobile devices. For this reason, many web designers use a hybrid version of carousels and tabs. This way you get benefitted from the advantageous of a slider and still get the low bandwidth characteristic of tabs.

In this post, we have a Bootstrap tab code in the form of a hybrid carousel. It has some similarities to sliders but is still considered as a tab. Due to the hybrid nature of this Bootstrap code, it can have different modes. Right now, its main purpose is to help you create a wizard with multiple steps. It is really effective and is designed well to look nice to the eye of the visitors. You can go to the next tab or slide by clicking on the “next” button. You can also go back by clicking on “previous”. Of course, you may also change this if you don’t like it. by changing this, you need to click on each step to show the contents of that particular step. This is due to the hybrid nature of this Bootstrap CSS tabs code. If you are interested in our Bootstrap HTML tabs, then you can use the code below for free.


Bootstrap Tab Code


CSS Tabs



<!-- This script got from -->
<div class="outer-container">
    <div id="wizard" class="aiia-wizard" style="display: none;">

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <div class="step-content">
                    Oh... I know you'll probably say..."Why would you make a plugin that already exists?". :) Well, why not? It's true, there are some great plugins out there that do just that. In fact this plugin was inspired by the excellent "jQuery Steps" plugin, created by Rafael Staib. And I am sure that if you Google you'll find more of them...
                    However I decided to do one myself as an experiment and because for some reason Rafael's plugin was mising some things that I needed at the moment and there was also a bug when initializing other jQuery plugins within the Steps plugin. For example the Google maps plugin would not initialize for some reason.
                    With your comments and perhaps your contributions maybe I can make things better and take it to another level, so please, feel free to give your thoughts - positive and negative. I'll be very grateful.

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <div class="step-content">
                This plugin is Twitter Bootstrap 3.x oriented, thus responsive. It takes your input form elements (or any other HTML element for that matter) and breaks them down into as many steps as you set them to. In fact, in some way the result is very similar to the "Twitter Bootstrap tab plugin, but instead of tabs and corresponding content panels, you have progress buttons and steps. Steps are the elements that hold your form / HTML content.

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <h1>Not a carousel</h1>
            <div class="step-content">
                You can also compare this plugin to a carousel, but then again it is not a carousel. Well, maybe I'll update the plugin so that it will have different modes (tabs, slider, carousel...). But right now it serves for one purpose only and that is creating a Wizard with steps, plain and simple. The aiiaPlugin may as well be a hybrid between the Tabs Twitter Bootstrap and the carousel plugin if you like.

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <div class="step-content">
                This plugin allows you to interract with it or to retrieve some information from. The following methods are available:

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <div class="step-content">
                As any good plugin, this one allows you to run your code when the plugin does something. This is a list of currently available  callbacks:

    onInitSuccess: function () {
        //alert("init success");
    onSlideLeftLimitReached: function () {
        //alert("onSlideLeftLimitReached success");
    onSlideLeftFinished: function () {
        //alert("onSlideLeftFinished success");
    onSlideRightLimitReached: function () {
        //alert("onSlideRightLimitReached success");
    onSlideRightFinished: function () {
        //alert("onSlideRightFinished success");
    onButtonPreviousClick: function () {
        // Instead of just sliding to the previous step when clicking the "previous" button, you can override this functionality instead.
        // By doing that you must then explixitly call the "previous" plugin method as shown below if you want to slide to the previous step.
    onButtonNextClick: function () {
        // Instead of just sliding to the next step when clicking the "next" button, you can override this functionality instead.
        // By doing that you must then explixitly call the "next" plugin method as shown below if you want to slide to the next step.

</div><a style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none" target="_blank" href="">Free Frontend</a>
@import url(,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic,900,900italic);

html {
    font-size: 10px;

.outer-container {
    font-family: "Roboto";
    font-size: 1.6rem;

.outer-container {
    padding: 60px;

.step-content {
    padding: 40px 0;
$(document).ready(function () {

;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {

	var settings;

	////////////////////////////////////////// Public methods

	var pub = {

		init: function (options) {

			return this.each(function () {

				var $this = $(this),
					data = $'aiiaWizard'),
					aiiaWizard = $('<div />', {
						text: $this.attr('title')

				//#region If the plugin hasn't been initialized yet
				if (!data) {

					$(this).data('aiiaWizard', {});


					///////////////////////// Main configurable options object

					settings = $.extend(true, $.fn.aiiaWizard.defaults, options);
					var globalMinHeight = settings.aiiaWizard.minHeight;
					var buttonFinishText = settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.finish;
					var buttonLoadingText = settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.loading;
					var activeStep = settings.aiiaWizard.activeStep;

					$(this).data('aiiaWizard').settings = settings;

					///////////////////////// Prepare Wizard components

					var $stepsWrapper = getStepsWrapperTemplate(globalMinHeight);
					var $buttons = getButtonsTemplate(settings);
					var $steps = $this.find(".aiia-wizard-step");

					$buttonNext = $buttons.find(".aiia-wizard-button-next");
					$buttonPrevious = $buttons.find(".aiia-wizard-button-previous");

					///////////////////////// Place Wizard component

					$stepsWrapper.append($steps);       // Place steps in the steps wrapper
					$this.append($stepsWrapper);        // Place the steps wrapper that now contains all the steps in the original container
					$this.append($buttons);             // Place Buttons right after the steps wrapper  

					///////////////////////// Shape Step elements

						'position': 'absolute',
						'min-height': globalMinHeight + 'px',
						'width': '100%'

					////////////////////////// Mark each step element with its current position to
					////////////////////////// easily keep track of the order (starting with 1)

					$.each($steps, function (i, step) {
						$(step).attr('data-position', i + 1);
						//markStepAsCompleted(i - 1, $this, settings);

					var $progressButtonsTemplate = getProgressButtonsTemplate($steps, settings);

					/////////////////////////// Find the active step or set the first step active as default 

					if (!$(".active").length) {
						$steps.eq(activeStep - 1).addClass("active");

					var $activeStep = $stepsWrapper.find(".active");
					var activeElementPosition = parseInt($'position'), 10);

					$.each($steps, function (i, step) {

						var $step = $(step);
						var $newStepTitleTemplate = getStepTitleTemplate(i, $step, settings);

						if ((i + 1) < activeElementPosition) {
							markStepAsCompleted(i + 1, $this, settings);
						} else if ((i + 1) > activeElementPosition) {
						} else {
							showStep($step); // Only one element should satisfy this condition   
							markStepAsCompleted(i + 1, $this, settings);


					var $progressButtonsBorderBottom = getProgressButtonsBorderBottomTemplate(settings);

					/////////////////////////// We can now show the plugin component

					/////////////////////////// Activate buttons accordingly to which step is active

					// If final step is shown
					if (activeElementPosition === $steps.length) {

					// If first step is shown
					if (activeElementPosition === 1) {

					/////////////////////////// Register event handlers

					$this.find('.aiia-wizard-button-previous').click(function (e) {
						var $elementToSlide = $this.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active");
						$this.trigger("onButtonPreviousClick.aiiaWizard", this);

						if ($.isFunction(settings.onButtonPreviousClick)) {
							// Trigger the override callback it the callback is set at the plugin initialization...;
						} else {
							// ...slide right imediatelly otherwise.
							slideRight($elementToSlide, settings, $this);

					$this.on("slideRightSuccess.aiiaWizard", function () {

					$this.on("slideLeftSuccess.aiiaWizard", function () {

					$this.find('.aiia-wizard-button-next').click(function (e) {
						var $elementToSlide = $this.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active");

						if ($.isFunction(settings.onButtonNextClick)) {
							// Trigger the override callback it the callback is set at the plugin initialization...;
						} else {
							// ...slide left imediatelly otherwise.
							slideLeft($elementToSlide, settings, $this);

					/////////////////////////// Testing Success Icon

					var $progressButtonsPlaceholder = $progressButtonsTemplate.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder");
					var $progressButtons = $progressButtonsPlaceholder.children();

					/////////////////////////// Store plugin data

					$'aiiaWizard').target = $this;
					$'aiiaWizard').aiiaWizard = aiiaWizard;
					$'aiiaWizard').settings = settings;


					$.isFunction(settings.onInitSuccess) &&;
					$this.trigger("initSuccess.aiiaWizard", this);
		isFinalElementShown: function (a, b) {
			var activeElementPosition = getActiveElementPosition($(this));
			if (activeElementPosition === countElements($(this))) {
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;
		hideButtonNext: function () {
			// TODO: implement
		hideButtonPrevious: function () {
			// TODO: implement
		previous: function () {
		next: function () {
			$plugin = $(this);
			var settings = $'aiiaWizard').settings;
			var $elementToSlide = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active");
			slideLeft($elementToSlide, settings, $plugin);
		first: function (a) {
			previous(a, true);
			$plugin.on("slideRightSuccess.aiiaWizard", function (event, goToFirst) {
				if (goToFirst == true)
					previous(a, true);
		final: function () {
			// TODO: implement
		// disables the "previous" button for the provided step
		disablePreviousButton: function (stepNumber) {
			// TODO: implement

		// enables the "previous" button for the provided step
		enablePreviousButton: function (stepNumber) {
			// TODO: implement
		getActiveStep: function () {
			$plugin = $(this);
			return parseInt($plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active").attr("data-position"), 10);

	////////////////////////////////////////// Private functions 

	function resizeWizardStepsWrapper($this) {
		var $wizardStepsWrapper = $this.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper");
		var $activeStep = $wizardStepsWrapper.find(".active");

			"height": $activeStep.height() + "px"

	function slideLeft($elementToSlide, settings, $plugin, slideSuccessCallback) {

		if ($ {

				'margin-left': '-100%'

			var $next = $;

				'margin-left': 0
			}, function () {

				var activeElementPosition = highlightActiveElement($plugin);
				var stepsCount = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-step").length;

				markStepAsCompleted(activeElementPosition, $plugin, settings);

				if (activeElementPosition === stepsCount) {
					$.isFunction(settings.onSlideLeftLimitReached) &&$plugin);
					$plugin.trigger("slideLeftLimitReached.aiiaWizard", this);
				} else {

				var $progressButtons = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder").children();

				$.isFunction(settings.onSlideLeftFinished) &&$plugin);
				$plugin.trigger("slideLeftSuccess.aiiaWizard", this);



	function slideRight($elementToSlide, settings, $plugin, goToFirst) {

		if ($elementToSlide.prev().length) {

			// Move the target element to the right first (out of the visual field)...
				'margin-left': '100%'

			// ...find the previous step element and move it into the visual field, thus making it the new active element.
			var $prev = $elementToSlide.prev();

				'margin-left': 0
			}, function () {



				var activeElementPosition = highlightActiveElement($plugin);
				unmarkStepAsCompleted(activeElementPosition, $plugin);

				if (activeElementPosition === 1) {

					$.isFunction(settings.onSlideRightLimitReached) &&$plugin);
					$plugin.trigger("slideRightLimitReached.aiiaWizard", this);
				} else {
					if ($plugin.find('.aiia-wizard-button-next').hasClass('btn-success')) {
						unsetFinishButton($plugin, settings);

				$.isFunction(settings.onSlideRightFinished) &&$plugin);
				$plugin.trigger("slideRightSuccess.aiiaWizard", goToFirst);



	function getButtonsTemplate(settings) {
		var $buttons = $("" +
			"<div class='aiia-wizard-buttons-wrapper row'>" +
				"<div class='col-md-12'>" +
					"<button class='btn btn-primary pull-left aiia-wizard-button-previous'></button>" +
					"<button class='btn btn-primary pull-right aiia-wizard-button-next' data-loading-text='" + settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.loading + "'></button>" +
				"</div>" +
			"</div>" +
			'display': 'block'

		var $iconPrevious = $("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left pull-left'></span>");
		var $iconPreviousText = $("<span>" + settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.previous + "</span>");

		var $iconNext = $("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right pull-right'></span>");
		var $iconNextText = $("<span>" + + "</span>");




		return $buttons;

	function highlightActiveElement($plugin) {

		// find the active element position
		var $stepsWrapper = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper");
		var $activeElement = $stepsWrapper.find(".active");
		var activeElementPosition = parseInt($'position'), 10);

		var $progressButtons = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder");
		$progressButtons.find("li[data-position='" + activeElementPosition + "']").addClass("active");

		return activeElementPosition;

	function getStepsWrapperTemplate(globalMinHeight) {
		var result = $("<div class='aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper'></div>")
				'position': 'relative',
				'overflow': 'hidden',
				'width': '100%',
				'min-height': globalMinHeight + 'px'
		return result;

	function getProgressButtonsTemplate($steps, settings) {

		var $progessButtonsWrapper = $("" +
			"<div class='aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-wrapper row'>" +
				"<div class='col-md-12'>" +
					"<ul class='nav nav-pills nav-justified aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder'>" +
					"</ul>" +
				"</div>" +
			"</div>" +
			'display': 'block'

		$.each($steps, function (i, step) {
			var $step = $(step);
			var cls = "";
			var pos = parseInt($'position'), 10);

			var $progressButton = $("" +
				"<li data-position='" + $step.attr('data-position') + "'><a href='#'><h1>" + $'position') + ". </h1>" + $step.find('h1').html() + "</a></li>" +

			if ($step.hasClass("active") && settings.aiiaWizard.progressButtons.markActive) {




		return $progessButtonsWrapper

	function getProgressButtonsBorderBottomTemplate(settings) {

		var $hr = $("<hr/>");


		return $hr;


	function getStepTitleTemplate(i, $step, settings) {

		var stepNumber = i + 1;
		var $stepTitle = $step.find("h1");
		var stepTitleText = $stepTitle.html();

		var $stepNumber = $("<h1 class='pull-left'>" + stepNumber + "</h1>");
		var $stepText = $("<span>" + stepTitleText + "</span>")

		var $newStepTitle = $("" +
			"<div class='row aiia-wizard-step-title'>" +
				"<div class='col-md-12'>" +
					"<span class='aiia-wizard-step-title-number'>" + stepNumber + "</span>" +
					"<span class='aiia-wizard-step-title-text'>" + stepTitleText + "</span>" +
				"</div>" +
			"</div>" +
			"" +


		return $newStepTitle;

	function moveStepLeft($s) {
			'margin-left': '-100%'  // move all lower steps to the left

	function moveStepRight($s) {
			'margin-left': '100%'  // move all lower steps to the left

	function showStep($s) {
			'margin-left': 0

	function getActiveElementPosition($pluginElement) {
		var stringResult = $pluginElement

		return parseInt(stringResult, 10);

	function countElements($pluginElement) {
		return $pluginElement.find(".aiia-wizard-step").length;

	function setFinishButton($pluginElement, text) {
		var $finishButton = $pluginElement.find(".aiia-wizard-button-next");

		var txt = $'aiiaWizard').settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.finish;
		if (text)
			txt = text;



	function unsetFinishButton($pluginElement, settings) {
		var $finishButton = $pluginElement.find(".aiia-wizard-button-next");
		var txt = $'aiiaWizard');
		var $iconNext = $("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right pull-right'></span>");
		var $iconNextText = $("<span>" + + "</span>");



	function markStepAsCompleted(activeElementPosition, $plugin, settings) {

		$plugin.find("[data-position='" + (activeElementPosition - 1) + "']").addClass("completed");

		// find the target progressButton to mark as completed
		var $progressButton = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder").find("[data-position='" + (activeElementPosition - 1) + "']");

		// create a new success icon to place it on the progress button
		var $successIcon = $("<span class='" + settings.aiiaWizard.progressButtons.completed.icon.cssClass + " aiia-wizard-icon-step-completed'></span>")

		var $a = $progressButton.find("a");
		// When the step is completed, the progress button must show it with a new style (gray by default)...
		// ...and with a success icon appended.

	function unmarkStepAsCompleted(activeElementPosition, $plugin) {

		var $progressButton = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder").find("[data-position='" + activeElementPosition + "']");
		var $a = $progressButton.find("a");

	function previous($plugin, goToFirst) {
		var settings = $'aiiaWizard').settings;
		var $elementToSlide = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active");
		var activeStep = parseInt($plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active").attr("data-position"), 10);
		if (activeStep > 0) {
			slideRight($elementToSlide, settings, $plugin, goToFirst);

	////////////////////////////////////////// Plugin definition

	$.fn.aiiaWizard = function (method) {

		if (pub[method]) {
			return pub[method].apply(this,, 1));
		} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
			return pub.init.apply(this, arguments);
		} else {
			$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.aiiaWizard');


	////////////////////////////////////////// Plugin Options

	$.fn.aiiaWizard.defaults = {
		aiiaWizard: {
			minHeight: 400,
			activeStep: 1,
			localization: {
				buttons: {
					next: 'Next',
					previous: 'Previous',
					finish: 'Finish',
					loading: 'Loading...'
			progressButtons: {
				borderBottom: {
					css: {
						'border-width': '4px',
						'border-color': '#E6E6E6'
				css: {
					'padding': '0 43px',

				markActive: false,
				completed: {
					css: {
						'background-color': '#E6E6E6'
					icon: {
						cssClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign',
						css: {
							'position': 'absolute',
							'top': '-20px',
							'right': '-17px',
							'font-size': '4em',
							'color': 'green'

			steps: {
				title: {
					number: {
						css: {
							'background-color': '#E6E6E6',
							'-webkit-border-radius': '300px',
							'-moz-border-radius': '300px',
							'border-radius': '300px',
							'color': '#FFFFFF',
							'float': 'left',
							'font-size': '36px',
							'height': '70px',
							'margin-right': '10px',
							'text-align': 'center',
							'width': '70px',
							'font-weight': 'bold',
							'padding-top': '8px'
					text: {
						css: {
							'color': '#158CBA',
							'font-size': '36px',
							'float': 'left',
							'font-size': '36px',
							'margin-top': '8px'
				content: {

			buttons: {
				previous: {
					text: {
						css: {							
							//'float': 'right',
							//'font-size': '14px',
							//'margin-top': '2px',
							//'margin-left': '7px'
					icon: {
						css: {
							//'font-size': '24px'

				next: {
					text: {
						css: {							
							//'float': 'left',
							//'font-size': '14px',
							//'margin-top': '2px',
							//'margin-right': '7px'
					icon: {
						css: {
							//'font-size': '14px'
				'css': {
					//'padding-bottom': '10px'
				finish: {
					text: {
						css: {
							//'font-size': '20px',
							//'float': 'left',
							//'font-size': '20px',
							//'margin-top': '2px',
							//'margin-right': '7px'
				'css': {
					//'padding-bottom': '10px'


})( jQuery, window, document );
<script src=''></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- This script got from -->

<script src=''></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
@import url(,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic,900,900italic);

html {
    font-size: 10px;

.outer-container {
    font-family: "Roboto";
    font-size: 1.6rem;

.outer-container {
    padding: 60px;

.step-content {
    padding: 40px 0;

<div class="outer-container">
    <div id="wizard" class="aiia-wizard" style="display: none;">

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <div class="step-content">
                    Oh... I know you'll probably say..."Why would you make a plugin that already exists?". :) Well, why not? It's true, there are some great plugins out there that do just that. In fact this plugin was inspired by the excellent "jQuery Steps" plugin, created by Rafael Staib. And I am sure that if you Google you'll find more of them...
                    However I decided to do one myself as an experiment and because for some reason Rafael's plugin was mising some things that I needed at the moment and there was also a bug when initializing other jQuery plugins within the Steps plugin. For example the Google maps plugin would not initialize for some reason.
                    With your comments and perhaps your contributions maybe I can make things better and take it to another level, so please, feel free to give your thoughts - positive and negative. I'll be very grateful.

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <div class="step-content">
                This plugin is Twitter Bootstrap 3.x oriented, thus responsive. It takes your input form elements (or any other HTML element for that matter) and breaks them down into as many steps as you set them to. In fact, in some way the result is very similar to the "Twitter Bootstrap tab plugin, but instead of tabs and corresponding content panels, you have progress buttons and steps. Steps are the elements that hold your form / HTML content.

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <h1>Not a carousel</h1>
            <div class="step-content">
                You can also compare this plugin to a carousel, but then again it is not a carousel. Well, maybe I'll update the plugin so that it will have different modes (tabs, slider, carousel...). But right now it serves for one purpose only and that is creating a Wizard with steps, plain and simple. The aiiaPlugin may as well be a hybrid between the Tabs Twitter Bootstrap and the carousel plugin if you like.

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <div class="step-content">
                This plugin allows you to interract with it or to retrieve some information from. The following methods are available:

        <div class="aiia-wizard-step">
            <div class="step-content">
                As any good plugin, this one allows you to run your code when the plugin does something. This is a list of currently available  callbacks:

    onInitSuccess: function () {
        //alert("init success");
    onSlideLeftLimitReached: function () {
        //alert("onSlideLeftLimitReached success");
    onSlideLeftFinished: function () {
        //alert("onSlideLeftFinished success");
    onSlideRightLimitReached: function () {
        //alert("onSlideRightLimitReached success");
    onSlideRightFinished: function () {
        //alert("onSlideRightFinished success");
    onButtonPreviousClick: function () {
        // Instead of just sliding to the previous step when clicking the "previous" button, you can override this functionality instead.
        // By doing that you must then explixitly call the "previous" plugin method as shown below if you want to slide to the previous step.
    onButtonNextClick: function () {
        // Instead of just sliding to the next step when clicking the "next" button, you can override this functionality instead.
        // By doing that you must then explixitly call the "next" plugin method as shown below if you want to slide to the next step.

</div><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Free Frontend</a></div>
$(document).ready(function () {

;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {

	var settings;

	////////////////////////////////////////// Public methods

	var pub = {

		init: function (options) {

			return this.each(function () {

				var $this = $(this),
					data = $'aiiaWizard'),
					aiiaWizard = $('<div />', {
						text: $this.attr('title')

				//#region If the plugin hasn't been initialized yet
				if (!data) {

					$(this).data('aiiaWizard', {});


					///////////////////////// Main configurable options object

					settings = $.extend(true, $.fn.aiiaWizard.defaults, options);
					var globalMinHeight = settings.aiiaWizard.minHeight;
					var buttonFinishText = settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.finish;
					var buttonLoadingText = settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.loading;
					var activeStep = settings.aiiaWizard.activeStep;

					$(this).data('aiiaWizard').settings = settings;

					///////////////////////// Prepare Wizard components

					var $stepsWrapper = getStepsWrapperTemplate(globalMinHeight);
					var $buttons = getButtonsTemplate(settings);
					var $steps = $this.find(".aiia-wizard-step");

					$buttonNext = $buttons.find(".aiia-wizard-button-next");
					$buttonPrevious = $buttons.find(".aiia-wizard-button-previous");

					///////////////////////// Place Wizard component

					$stepsWrapper.append($steps);       // Place steps in the steps wrapper
					$this.append($stepsWrapper);        // Place the steps wrapper that now contains all the steps in the original container
					$this.append($buttons);             // Place Buttons right after the steps wrapper  

					///////////////////////// Shape Step elements

						'position': 'absolute',
						'min-height': globalMinHeight + 'px',
						'width': '100%'

					////////////////////////// Mark each step element with its current position to
					////////////////////////// easily keep track of the order (starting with 1)

					$.each($steps, function (i, step) {
						$(step).attr('data-position', i + 1);
						//markStepAsCompleted(i - 1, $this, settings);

					var $progressButtonsTemplate = getProgressButtonsTemplate($steps, settings);

					/////////////////////////// Find the active step or set the first step active as default 

					if (!$(".active").length) {
						$steps.eq(activeStep - 1).addClass("active");

					var $activeStep = $stepsWrapper.find(".active");
					var activeElementPosition = parseInt($'position'), 10);

					$.each($steps, function (i, step) {

						var $step = $(step);
						var $newStepTitleTemplate = getStepTitleTemplate(i, $step, settings);

						if ((i + 1) < activeElementPosition) {
							markStepAsCompleted(i + 1, $this, settings);
						} else if ((i + 1) > activeElementPosition) {
						} else {
							showStep($step); // Only one element should satisfy this condition   
							markStepAsCompleted(i + 1, $this, settings);


					var $progressButtonsBorderBottom = getProgressButtonsBorderBottomTemplate(settings);

					/////////////////////////// We can now show the plugin component

					/////////////////////////// Activate buttons accordingly to which step is active

					// If final step is shown
					if (activeElementPosition === $steps.length) {

					// If first step is shown
					if (activeElementPosition === 1) {

					/////////////////////////// Register event handlers

					$this.find('.aiia-wizard-button-previous').click(function (e) {
						var $elementToSlide = $this.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active");
						$this.trigger("onButtonPreviousClick.aiiaWizard", this);

						if ($.isFunction(settings.onButtonPreviousClick)) {
							// Trigger the override callback it the callback is set at the plugin initialization...;
						} else {
							// ...slide right imediatelly otherwise.
							slideRight($elementToSlide, settings, $this);

					$this.on("slideRightSuccess.aiiaWizard", function () {

					$this.on("slideLeftSuccess.aiiaWizard", function () {

					$this.find('.aiia-wizard-button-next').click(function (e) {
						var $elementToSlide = $this.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active");

						if ($.isFunction(settings.onButtonNextClick)) {
							// Trigger the override callback it the callback is set at the plugin initialization...;
						} else {
							// ...slide left imediatelly otherwise.
							slideLeft($elementToSlide, settings, $this);

					/////////////////////////// Testing Success Icon

					var $progressButtonsPlaceholder = $progressButtonsTemplate.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder");
					var $progressButtons = $progressButtonsPlaceholder.children();

					/////////////////////////// Store plugin data

					$'aiiaWizard').target = $this;
					$'aiiaWizard').aiiaWizard = aiiaWizard;
					$'aiiaWizard').settings = settings;


					$.isFunction(settings.onInitSuccess) &&;
					$this.trigger("initSuccess.aiiaWizard", this);
		isFinalElementShown: function (a, b) {
			var activeElementPosition = getActiveElementPosition($(this));
			if (activeElementPosition === countElements($(this))) {
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;
		hideButtonNext: function () {
			// TODO: implement
		hideButtonPrevious: function () {
			// TODO: implement
		previous: function () {
		next: function () {
			$plugin = $(this);
			var settings = $'aiiaWizard').settings;
			var $elementToSlide = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active");
			slideLeft($elementToSlide, settings, $plugin);
		first: function (a) {
			previous(a, true);
			$plugin.on("slideRightSuccess.aiiaWizard", function (event, goToFirst) {
				if (goToFirst == true)
					previous(a, true);
		final: function () {
			// TODO: implement
		// disables the "previous" button for the provided step
		disablePreviousButton: function (stepNumber) {
			// TODO: implement

		// enables the "previous" button for the provided step
		enablePreviousButton: function (stepNumber) {
			// TODO: implement
		getActiveStep: function () {
			$plugin = $(this);
			return parseInt($plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active").attr("data-position"), 10);

	////////////////////////////////////////// Private functions 

	function resizeWizardStepsWrapper($this) {
		var $wizardStepsWrapper = $this.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper");
		var $activeStep = $wizardStepsWrapper.find(".active");

			"height": $activeStep.height() + "px"

	function slideLeft($elementToSlide, settings, $plugin, slideSuccessCallback) {

		if ($ {

				'margin-left': '-100%'

			var $next = $;

				'margin-left': 0
			}, function () {

				var activeElementPosition = highlightActiveElement($plugin);
				var stepsCount = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-step").length;

				markStepAsCompleted(activeElementPosition, $plugin, settings);

				if (activeElementPosition === stepsCount) {
					$.isFunction(settings.onSlideLeftLimitReached) &&$plugin);
					$plugin.trigger("slideLeftLimitReached.aiiaWizard", this);
				} else {

				var $progressButtons = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder").children();

				$.isFunction(settings.onSlideLeftFinished) &&$plugin);
				$plugin.trigger("slideLeftSuccess.aiiaWizard", this);



	function slideRight($elementToSlide, settings, $plugin, goToFirst) {

		if ($elementToSlide.prev().length) {

			// Move the target element to the right first (out of the visual field)...
				'margin-left': '100%'

			// ...find the previous step element and move it into the visual field, thus making it the new active element.
			var $prev = $elementToSlide.prev();

				'margin-left': 0
			}, function () {



				var activeElementPosition = highlightActiveElement($plugin);
				unmarkStepAsCompleted(activeElementPosition, $plugin);

				if (activeElementPosition === 1) {

					$.isFunction(settings.onSlideRightLimitReached) &&$plugin);
					$plugin.trigger("slideRightLimitReached.aiiaWizard", this);
				} else {
					if ($plugin.find('.aiia-wizard-button-next').hasClass('btn-success')) {
						unsetFinishButton($plugin, settings);

				$.isFunction(settings.onSlideRightFinished) &&$plugin);
				$plugin.trigger("slideRightSuccess.aiiaWizard", goToFirst);



	function getButtonsTemplate(settings) {
		var $buttons = $("" +
			"<div class='aiia-wizard-buttons-wrapper row'>" +
				"<div class='col-md-12'>" +
					"<button class='btn btn-primary pull-left aiia-wizard-button-previous'></button>" +
					"<button class='btn btn-primary pull-right aiia-wizard-button-next' data-loading-text='" + settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.loading + "'></button>" +
				"</div>" +
			"</div>" +
			'display': 'block'

		var $iconPrevious = $("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left pull-left'></span>");
		var $iconPreviousText = $("<span>" + settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.previous + "</span>");

		var $iconNext = $("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right pull-right'></span>");
		var $iconNextText = $("<span>" + + "</span>");




		return $buttons;

	function highlightActiveElement($plugin) {

		// find the active element position
		var $stepsWrapper = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper");
		var $activeElement = $stepsWrapper.find(".active");
		var activeElementPosition = parseInt($'position'), 10);

		var $progressButtons = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder");
		$progressButtons.find("li[data-position='" + activeElementPosition + "']").addClass("active");

		return activeElementPosition;

	function getStepsWrapperTemplate(globalMinHeight) {
		var result = $("<div class='aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper'></div>")
				'position': 'relative',
				'overflow': 'hidden',
				'width': '100%',
				'min-height': globalMinHeight + 'px'
		return result;

	function getProgressButtonsTemplate($steps, settings) {

		var $progessButtonsWrapper = $("" +
			"<div class='aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-wrapper row'>" +
				"<div class='col-md-12'>" +
					"<ul class='nav nav-pills nav-justified aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder'>" +
					"</ul>" +
				"</div>" +
			"</div>" +
			'display': 'block'

		$.each($steps, function (i, step) {
			var $step = $(step);
			var cls = "";
			var pos = parseInt($'position'), 10);

			var $progressButton = $("" +
				"<li data-position='" + $step.attr('data-position') + "'><a href='#'><h1>" + $'position') + ". </h1>" + $step.find('h1').html() + "</a></li>" +

			if ($step.hasClass("active") && settings.aiiaWizard.progressButtons.markActive) {




		return $progessButtonsWrapper

	function getProgressButtonsBorderBottomTemplate(settings) {

		var $hr = $("<hr/>");


		return $hr;


	function getStepTitleTemplate(i, $step, settings) {

		var stepNumber = i + 1;
		var $stepTitle = $step.find("h1");
		var stepTitleText = $stepTitle.html();

		var $stepNumber = $("<h1 class='pull-left'>" + stepNumber + "</h1>");
		var $stepText = $("<span>" + stepTitleText + "</span>")

		var $newStepTitle = $("" +
			"<div class='row aiia-wizard-step-title'>" +
				"<div class='col-md-12'>" +
					"<span class='aiia-wizard-step-title-number'>" + stepNumber + "</span>" +
					"<span class='aiia-wizard-step-title-text'>" + stepTitleText + "</span>" +
				"</div>" +
			"</div>" +
			"" +


		return $newStepTitle;

	function moveStepLeft($s) {
			'margin-left': '-100%'  // move all lower steps to the left

	function moveStepRight($s) {
			'margin-left': '100%'  // move all lower steps to the left

	function showStep($s) {
			'margin-left': 0

	function getActiveElementPosition($pluginElement) {
		var stringResult = $pluginElement

		return parseInt(stringResult, 10);

	function countElements($pluginElement) {
		return $pluginElement.find(".aiia-wizard-step").length;

	function setFinishButton($pluginElement, text) {
		var $finishButton = $pluginElement.find(".aiia-wizard-button-next");

		var txt = $'aiiaWizard').settings.aiiaWizard.localization.buttons.finish;
		if (text)
			txt = text;



	function unsetFinishButton($pluginElement, settings) {
		var $finishButton = $pluginElement.find(".aiia-wizard-button-next");
		var txt = $'aiiaWizard');
		var $iconNext = $("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right pull-right'></span>");
		var $iconNextText = $("<span>" + + "</span>");



	function markStepAsCompleted(activeElementPosition, $plugin, settings) {

		$plugin.find("[data-position='" + (activeElementPosition - 1) + "']").addClass("completed");

		// find the target progressButton to mark as completed
		var $progressButton = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder").find("[data-position='" + (activeElementPosition - 1) + "']");

		// create a new success icon to place it on the progress button
		var $successIcon = $("<span class='" + settings.aiiaWizard.progressButtons.completed.icon.cssClass + " aiia-wizard-icon-step-completed'></span>")

		var $a = $progressButton.find("a");
		// When the step is completed, the progress button must show it with a new style (gray by default)...
		// ...and with a success icon appended.

	function unmarkStepAsCompleted(activeElementPosition, $plugin) {

		var $progressButton = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-progress-buttons-placeholder").find("[data-position='" + activeElementPosition + "']");
		var $a = $progressButton.find("a");

	function previous($plugin, goToFirst) {
		var settings = $'aiiaWizard').settings;
		var $elementToSlide = $plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active");
		var activeStep = parseInt($plugin.find(".aiia-wizard-steps-wrapper .active").attr("data-position"), 10);
		if (activeStep > 0) {
			slideRight($elementToSlide, settings, $plugin, goToFirst);

	////////////////////////////////////////// Plugin definition

	$.fn.aiiaWizard = function (method) {

		if (pub[method]) {
			return pub[method].apply(this,, 1));
		} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
			return pub.init.apply(this, arguments);
		} else {
			$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.aiiaWizard');


	////////////////////////////////////////// Plugin Options

	$.fn.aiiaWizard.defaults = {
		aiiaWizard: {
			minHeight: 400,
			activeStep: 1,
			localization: {
				buttons: {
					next: 'Next',
					previous: 'Previous',
					finish: 'Finish',
					loading: 'Loading...'
			progressButtons: {
				borderBottom: {
					css: {
						'border-width': '4px',
						'border-color': '#E6E6E6'
				css: {
					'padding': '0 43px',

				markActive: false,
				completed: {
					css: {
						'background-color': '#E6E6E6'
					icon: {
						cssClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign',
						css: {
							'position': 'absolute',
							'top': '-20px',
							'right': '-17px',
							'font-size': '4em',
							'color': 'green'

			steps: {
				title: {
					number: {
						css: {
							'background-color': '#E6E6E6',
							'-webkit-border-radius': '300px',
							'-moz-border-radius': '300px',
							'border-radius': '300px',
							'color': '#FFFFFF',
							'float': 'left',
							'font-size': '36px',
							'height': '70px',
							'margin-right': '10px',
							'text-align': 'center',
							'width': '70px',
							'font-weight': 'bold',
							'padding-top': '8px'
					text: {
						css: {
							'color': '#158CBA',
							'font-size': '36px',
							'float': 'left',
							'font-size': '36px',
							'margin-top': '8px'
				content: {

			buttons: {
				previous: {
					text: {
						css: {							
							//'float': 'right',
							//'font-size': '14px',
							//'margin-top': '2px',
							//'margin-left': '7px'
					icon: {
						css: {
							//'font-size': '24px'

				next: {
					text: {
						css: {							
							//'float': 'left',
							//'font-size': '14px',
							//'margin-top': '2px',
							//'margin-right': '7px'
					icon: {
						css: {
							//'font-size': '14px'
				'css': {
					//'padding-bottom': '10px'
				finish: {
					text: {
						css: {
							//'font-size': '20px',
							//'float': 'left',
							//'font-size': '20px',
							//'margin-top': '2px',
							//'margin-right': '7px'
				'css': {
					//'padding-bottom': '10px'


})( jQuery, window, document );
