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Bootstrap Tables:

Dynamic Bootstrap Table with Features

Have you ever faced the problem of too much data in one page? Putting all the data without a proper organization method clutters the page insanely and makes your content uncomfortably long. No one likes to read overly complicated articles. One of the best and most effective methods you can use to put all of the data in one page is using a table. Tables are great features in a website because they let you display large amounts of information in simple rows and columns. This is perhaps the most efficient way. Besides, tables let you analyse and compare the data with so much ease so that’s a plus too.

This post features a code which is designed to help you add in a table for your website. You can add as many columns or rows as you want. It is also possible to dedicate each row or column to one category. Our Bootstrap sorting table is the best way to bring order to all the messy pages you have. With the help of this Bootstrap table pagination code, you can add different options to your website as well. For instance, you can add a Bootstrap table search to find the data you want more easily or a Bootstrap table export to download all the data into your computer.


Bootstrap Sortable Table


Bootstrap Table Pagination


Bootstrap Table Search


Bootstrap Table Export

<!-- This script got from -->
<div class="container-fluid">
  <div id="toolbar">
   <button id="remove" class="btn btn-danger" disabled>Delete <i class="fas fa-trash-alt"></i></button>

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    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="10%" />
    <col width="10%" />
    <col width="20%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />

        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
</div><a style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none" target="_blank" href="">Free Frontend</a>
* {
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.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
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.dropdown-item {
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var $table = $("#table"),
$remove = $("#remove"),
selections = [];
$(function () {
    columns: [
      field: "state",
      checkbox: true,
      align: "center",
      valign: "middle" },

      title: "ID",
      field: "id",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle" },

      title: "Date",
      field: "date",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      id: "dob",
      editable: {
        type: "combodate",
        format: "YYYY/MM/DD",
        template: "YYYY / MM / DD",
        combodate: {
          maxYear: 2030,
          minYear: 2018,
          firstItem: "none" //'name', 'empty', 'none'
        emptytext: "-" } },

      title: "Supplier",
      field: "supplier",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "text" } },

      title: "Items",
      field: "items",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "text" } },

      title: "Deadline",
      field: "deadline",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "text" } },

      title: "Quantity",
      field: "quantity",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "text" } },

      title: "Amount",
      field: "amount",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "number" } },

      title: "Closing",
      field: "closing",
      align: "center",
      sortable: true,
      id: "status",
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "select",
        placement: "right",
        value: "是",
        source: [{ value: "10 PM", text: "10 PM" }, { value: "是", text: "是" }] } },

      title: "Progress",
      field: "progress",
      align: "center",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle" },

      title: "Print",
      field: "print",
      align: "center",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle" },

      title: "Action",
      field: "action",
      align: "center",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      events: actionEvents,
      formatter: actionFormatter }]],

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    paginationNextText: "Next", 
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    showToggle: false, 
    showExport: true,
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    showFullscreen: false, 
    minimumCountColumns: 5, 
    idField: undefined, 
    clickToSelect: false, 
    uniqueId: "id", 
    singleSelect: false, 
    checkboxHeader: true, 
    maintainSelected: true 
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    //   paginationSwitchUp: "material-icons-collapse-up icon-chevron-up",
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    //   columns: "material-icons-th icon-th",
    //   detailOpen: "glyphicon-plus icon-plus",
    //   detailClose: "glyphicon-minus icon-minus"
    // }
  " " +
  function () {
    $remove.prop("disabled", !$table.bootstrapTable("getSelections").length);
    selections = getIdSelections();

  $ () {
    var ids = getIdSelections();
    $table.bootstrapTable("remove", {
      field: "id",
      values: ids });

    $remove.prop("disabled", true);
  $('[data-toggle="dropdown"] >i').
function getIdSelections() {
  return $.map($table.bootstrapTable("getSelections"), function (row) {
function actionFormatter(value, row, index) {
  return ['<button class="remove btn btn-danger btn-sm">Delete</button>'].join(

window.actionEvents = {
  "click .remove": function (e, value, row, index) {
    $table.bootstrapTable("remove", {
      field: "id",
      values: [] });

  } };
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* {
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.fa-refresh::before {
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.fa-caret-square-o-up:before {
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.fa-caret-square-o-down:before {
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.nav-link i {
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.dropdown-header {
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.dropdown-toggle::after {
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.dropdown-menu {
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.dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover,
.dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
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  white-space: nowrap;

.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
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.dropdown-item {
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.dropdown-item:hover {
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    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="10%" />
    <col width="10%" />
    <col width="20%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />
    <col width="5%" />

        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
        <td>10 PM</td>
</div><div id="bcl"><a style="font-size:8pt;text-decoration:none;" href="">Free Frontend</a></div>
var $table = $("#table"),
$remove = $("#remove"),
selections = [];
$(function () {
    columns: [
      field: "state",
      checkbox: true,
      align: "center",
      valign: "middle" },

      title: "ID",
      field: "id",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle" },

      title: "Date",
      field: "date",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      id: "dob",
      editable: {
        type: "combodate",
        format: "YYYY/MM/DD",
        template: "YYYY / MM / DD",
        combodate: {
          maxYear: 2030,
          minYear: 2018,
          firstItem: "none" //'name', 'empty', 'none'
        emptytext: "-" } },

      title: "Supplier",
      field: "supplier",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "text" } },

      title: "Items",
      field: "items",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "text" } },

      title: "Deadline",
      field: "deadline",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "text" } },

      title: "Quantity",
      field: "quantity",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "text" } },

      title: "Amount",
      field: "amount",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "number" } },

      title: "Closing",
      field: "closing",
      align: "center",
      sortable: true,
      id: "status",
      valign: "middle",
      editable: {
        type: "select",
        placement: "right",
        value: "是",
        source: [{ value: "10 PM", text: "10 PM" }, { value: "是", text: "是" }] } },

      title: "Progress",
      field: "progress",
      align: "center",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle" },

      title: "Print",
      field: "print",
      align: "center",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle" },

      title: "Action",
      field: "action",
      align: "center",
      sortable: true,
      valign: "middle",
      events: actionEvents,
      formatter: actionFormatter }]],

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      field: "id",
      values: ids });

    $remove.prop("disabled", true);
  $('[data-toggle="dropdown"] >i').
function getIdSelections() {
  return $.map($table.bootstrapTable("getSelections"), function (row) {
function actionFormatter(value, row, index) {
  return ['<button class="remove btn btn-danger btn-sm">Delete</button>'].join(

window.actionEvents = {
  "click .remove": function (e, value, row, index) {
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      field: "id",
      values: [] });

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