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Bootstrap Toggle Switches:

Day and Night Bootstrap Switch Button

Nowadays, we are constantly on our mobile phones or laptops. These devices use digital screen with LEDs that can hurt your eyes. They will cause eye strain in case of excessive use of your phones while browsing. Dark mode makes the screen easier to see in low light situations like early morning or during the night which is a lot easier on your eyes. It also improves your battery life since the black pixels draw no power on OLED screen. Of course, older LCDs don’t support this feature but it is still a plus for using dark mode. By adding a dark mode feature to your website, you are giving your users convenient option. It is also quite fun to mess around with two different modes in a website when designing themes. It is a lot more interesting than you think to invert the entire screen from white to black in an instant.

Following is a code for an amazing Bootstrap day and night switch. It lets you switch between light and dark mode. There are various Bootstrap toggle switch buttons and all of them can be used as beautiful day switch buttons or modern night ones. With this code, you can choose from four different Bootstrap switch buttons with cool designs.


Bootstrap Toggle Switch Button


Day and Night Switch


Beautiful Day Switch Button


Bootstrap Switch Button

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<div class="container">
<div class="wrapper">
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/* Checked State */
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.input_wrapper input[type="checkbox"]:checked:after{
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/* Checked State */
.input_wrapper input[type="checkbox"]:checked{
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.input_wrapper input[type="checkbox"]:checked:after{
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<div class="container">
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