The design of the login form has a significant impact on the websites. You should use a login form with a beautiful design to attract more visitors to your website. In this post, we have prepared the Bootstrap Turquoise Login Form with Social Buttons with an attractive design. This Bootstrap Free Form has a special structure and can attract many people. The HTML Form Code has a turquoise theme that is an excellent idea with websites in this color.
The login title and its icon are placed at the top of the page. Plus, there are two small lines at the left and right of this icon. This Bootstrap Login Form has a turquoise background, and the main page is like a quote. This Turquoise Login Form Code has two white fields with icons for username and password. The login button is orange, and the writing is white. When you move the mouse on this option, its color changes to turquoise with a dark border. If you want to save your password, activate the “Remember Me” option. In this Login Form with Social Buttons, you can also enter the website through Facebook or Instagram.