Toggle switches are mainly used to change the current state of the interface. It changes the whole or only part of system functionalities and preferences settings. switches could be used as single checkboxes or replace two radio buttons. The radio buttons let the user choose only one state; therefore, these types of switches usually change a lot of different functions and styles. Check boxes, on the other hand, are more customizable and let you add or remove more detailed features. There is, however, another type of switches you can choose. They are known as toggle switches and they only let you choose one of the two options. They are kind of similar to radio buttons in the sense that choosing one option will usually unselect the other one. the only difference is that toggle switches usually have only an on and off option.
In this post, we have a code with different switch sizes. These Bootstrap switches are designed well and offer great and responsive user experience. The code features two different colours for the switches and the option to display the on and off state on the switch. These Beautiful toggle switches don’t have any special effects or animations but are designed well enough to be effective. You can choose the right Bootstrap toggle switch from this code and use it for your own website.