You maybe have seen on/off switches on many websites and like them so much. You can use this feature to attract new people and interest older audiences if you own a website. The Bootstrap Toggle Switch On/Off Style is presented in this post with a great performance. This HTML Toggle Switch is so functional, and you can use it to display different items easily. To improve your website in a short time, you can use this code and gain many visitors. The following HTML Toggle Switch Button lets you add yes/no questions to your website.
There is a preview of this code below that you can look at. This code has a simple black theme. So, it fits all kinds of simple websites. It has a rectangle shape, and the off button is gray. The writing “OFF” is written on the right side of the CSS Toggle Switch Effect. On the other hand, you can see a green color on the left side as you click on the button. There is a text “ON” on this part. This Free Toggle Switch On Off Theme is available on this post, and you can download and apply it on your website.