Space is a really big thing in any website. You need physical space to add content and new features to a web page. Also, if your page becomes too busy, then the website will look unprofessional and your traffic decreases. A messy page makes it so that the it’s harder for the users to read and understand what is going on in the page and will make your loading times slower all of which will result in losing visitors and getting a lower overall score in SEO ranking.
Now that you know how important physical space can be in a website, you will probably try not to waste any when designing the next section of your site. There are many tricks and methods you can use to save up some space and avoid cluttering the page. One of these methods is using Bootstrap CSS forms with slide ability as presented in this post. If you scroll down, you will see a code to a Bootstrap form stylish template which normally hides the form but upon clicking, the form appears with a drop-down animation. This means the form is kept short and to the point and the initial loading time is unaffected by the Bootstrap forms effect which is such a great thing.