A footer is the section at the bottom of your page which includes several links and pages and additional information on the website itself. If you have a large website with a lot of pages and subpages, then there is a high chance that the visitors get lost in your site quite a lot. To avoid this, you can add a search box. a simple feature to let them search for keywords to find what they want much faster. There is a problem though. Your header might be full with links and your page might be busy enough that you simply don’t have any more physical space to also add a search box. it might slow the site down and even worse, it’ll make your page look cluttered and unprofessional. To avoid this, you can add the search box in your footer. This also gives the users a good reason to scroll all the way down to the end of the page and actually see the footer and all the important information written in this section.
In this post, we are sharing Bootstrap dark footer with a search box implemented inside it. this is will help your users access all the important pages they might be after. You can include your site logo, a short description, copyright claim, navigation menu, newsletter, privacy policy, and the social media links neatly in this five column footer. There is also a vertical divider between each column to make it more special. If you need a great footer with search options, then this is the right Bootstrap footer for you.