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Bootstrap Footers:

Bootstrap Footer with Animated Line

When designing a website, consistency is the key factor in making it pleasing to your users. It is also important to know that consistency goes beyond only the colours and the fonts you use in your website. The website must have a consistent theme to it all together. If you use busy designs, then having a basic white background page as the sign-up page feels odd and out of place. On the other hand, if you use basic designs and minimalistic styles in your website, then having a footer with heavy effects and various animations will just kill the magic. By keeping your website consistent, you help it look polished and professionally designed. This will boost your credibility and you will get more daily traffic as a result.

Here, we are introducing a beautifully designed animating Bootstrap footer template to help you get things started in your website. This is a really nice, big footer with rich features, including the site logo, a short description about the company, social media links, contact information, useful links, email for subscription and a copyright claim at the very end. This Bootstrap dark footer is quite a nice touch for any website who wants a beautiful look. Also, you can use this Bootstrap footer for free.


Big Footer


Bootstrap Footer


Animating Bootstrap Footer


Bootstrap Dark Footer

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<footer id="dk-footer" class="dk-footer">
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body { color: #ccc }
.footer-widget p {
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/* Animated heading border */
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/* ==========================
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.contact-info h3 {
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.copyright {
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.copyright span,
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.copyright a:hover {
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.back-to-top {
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  border-color: #FA6742; }
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body { color: #ccc }
.footer-widget p {
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p {
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.animate-border.border-white:after {
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.animate-border.border-yellow:after {
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.animate-border.border-orange:after {
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.animate-border.border-ash:after {
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.animate-border.border-offwhite:after {
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/* Animated heading border */
@keyframes primary-short {
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    width: 90%; }
  100% {
    width: 10%; } }
@keyframes primary-long {
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.dk-footer {
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.dk-footer {
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.dk-footer-box-info .footer-social-link a i.fa-linkedin {
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.dk-footer-box-info .footer-social-link a i.fa-instagram {
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/* ==========================
.contact-us {
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.contact-info {
  margin-left: 75px;
  color: #fff; }
.contact-info h3 {
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  color: #fff;
  margin-bottom: 0; }
.copyright {
  padding: 28px 0;
  margin-top: 55px;
  background-color: #202020; }
.copyright span,
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  -webkit-transition: all 0.3s linear;
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.copyright a:hover {
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  margin: 0; }
.copyright-menu li {
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.back-to-top .btn-dark {
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.back-to-top .btn-dark:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
  background: #FA6742;
  border-color: #FA6742; }

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