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Bootstrap Cards:

Bootstrap Cards with Background Image

Do you have to add photos to your website all the time? If your answer is positive, look at this post and use the following code for your page. We have prepared the Bootstrap Cards with Background Image with a great performance. With the help of this Bootstrap Cards Code, you are able to add pictures to your website with its related writing. These HTML Cards with Image have an eye-catching design and the user can apply it to different kinds of websites.  So, pay attention to the following code and download it for free.

There is a preview of this Free Website Cards Code that shows you this bootstrap. As you see, here we have three images with texts. The texts are located in the center of photos in white color with a large font. Moreover, photos and writings are placed here vertically. At the bottom of these cards, there is a place for the logo in a purple circle. You can change and replace it with the logo of your brand or company. All images are the background of the whole page. The Background Image for BS Cards increases the beauty of your page.


Bootstrap Cards Code


HTML Cards with Image


Background Image for BS Cards


Free Website Cards Code

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            <h2 class="pt-5 mt-5 mb-4 display-6 lh-1 fw-bold">Short title, long jacket</h2>
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            <h2 class="pt-5 mt-5 mb-4 display-6 lh-1 fw-bold">Much longer title that wraps to multiple lines</h2>
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            <h2 class="pt-5 mt-5 mb-4 display-6 lh-1 fw-bold">Another longer title belongs here</h2>
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            <h2 class="pt-5 mt-5 mb-4 display-6 lh-1 fw-bold">Short title, long jacket</h2>
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            <h2 class="pt-5 mt-5 mb-4 display-6 lh-1 fw-bold">Much longer title that wraps to multiple lines</h2>
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            <h2 class="pt-5 mt-5 mb-4 display-6 lh-1 fw-bold">Another longer title belongs here</h2>
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